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Looking for work as an assistant
作業場所:From Home

投稿者: Angela (女性)


Hello! I'm Angela (female) 24 years old and this is my first time inquiring about work here. I am a newbie but eager to learn and help, I'd like to apply as a temporary assistant line artist, if you'll have me. I do not know how to speak Japanese so I'm sorry for miscommunication. I'm currently in the Philippines and I'll only be working from home. I have a day job but I have free time at home and I can work for about 5 hours in weekdays (except Wednesday) if needed. I use Clip Studio Paint Pro but I also know how to use Procreate and Photoshop and I use an Ipad pro 9th gen to draw. I have no work experience as an assistant so please look after me as I'm still learning. I'm open to any genre but I'm having troubles with actions scenes. I studied Fine arts majoring in Visual Communications so I do have a background with comic creation for university projects. I graduated at July 2020. For payment I'd like to receive at least 950 yen as my hourly wage, I checked the rules and as I'm a newbie I decided to take the lowest amount possible. I can adjust my working schedule if needed Please feel free to email me at krisdanxx@gmail.com I also have WhatsApp and discord (username: vermz_ ) but if you have any other preferred contact method please tell me. Since I don't know how to speak Japanese I would like to communicate only in chats and email. Also, I would be happy if you could let me know if it's okay to use the drawings as samples. Thank you so much. Portfolio: https://akriztine.wixsite.com/portfolio